
Please note:

    Effective 1 January 2025: I am no longer taking any custom saw orders.


     It has been a busy few years, working on my home and rearranging my life to some extent. During this time it has been next to impossible for me to keep up with saws and various other "want to do projects" in my retirement years. I have also noted several saw makers have cropped up with their particular styles.So I doubt I will be missed. :)

     Whether by CNC or by hand, predominately, it seems most saw makers gravitate towards the 18th century open dove tail handle design,( think 'Independent Saws' , Lie Neilsen, etc.,) being easier and faster to make, I suspect. While most makers focus on vintage and function alone, one particular exception is 'BearKat Saws'. His designs are unique in form while maintaining a level of functionality. Other vintage styles are copied, by various makers, as well, with their spin, lending to an array of choices. Continuing the hand saw traditional designs is a plus in my book. They are, after all, tried and true.

     I can not say, absolutely, I will not make any saws in my spare time, providing I can find some of that "spare time", as I have all that saw making "stuff" in my little work shop. It is amazing how much shop space that "stuff" takes up. I still have lots of resin infused blanks, and other blanks hiding in various work bench drawers also. Some partially made, just waiting to be hand shaped and sharpened, but for now they will stay in those storage drawers quietly waiting for a chance to come out and play. I have a few saws to finish for a couple of customers that have been patiently waiting, but beyond that I am finished. I can't say I have made any real monetary profit these last 10 or so years, but it has been an interesting learning journey. A profit of knowlege.

    My house?? Well, it is going. Slowly, but surely. One project invariabley leads to another. My bathrooms for example, involved half the plumbing in the house. Not to mention tearing out warped lumber and rebuilding walls that are actually square, plumb and straight. Affecting other rooms, of course. Some things you are just stuck with and then it bacomes a "work around". 70s/ 80s houses were just not built well, but it is home with all it's faults, away from city streets etc.. So for now I will just keep pushing forward. Despite the forever tax collector extortion for the various repairs I have made. Interior doors and carpeting are next. In the end, I willl hopefully leave this little house in far better shape than I found it. At least until time and use run it down again. :)

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